Monday, April 25, 2011

All these things...

These thoughts kept banging around in my head the other day and I needed to get them out, get them down.  I think they came out in a way that translates not only to me - but could translates to others.  So here's a little view into my head - remember - no refunds. 

I am not the death of my brother.

I am not the divorce of my parents.

I am not someone else’s addiction, or the cause of it.

I am not the violence I felt at someone’s hands.

I am not the knife to my throat.

I am not the rape I endured.

I am not my depression.

I am not my scars.

I am not their lack of coping skills.

I am not his infidelity.

I am not his inability to have “enough”. 

I am not a victim.

I am not the size of my jeans.

I am not the stores where I shop.

I am not my divorce.

I am not his ego.

I am not my own ego. 

I am not here to inflate anyone’s ego.

I am not my penchant for tattoos, piercings and hair color.

I am not his selfishness.

I am not a statistic.

I am not a “have”.

I am not a “have not”.

I am not the car that I drive.

I am not in competition with anyone.

I am not a paycheck – no matter the amount.

I am not their narcissism.

I am not the status quo.

I am not someone else’s lack of self worth.

I am not her unmanageable pain.

I am not her bad decisions.

I am me.

I am the sum of all these things and more – decimals and numbers and zeroes and life and death and emotion and hate and love and loss and loyalty and betrayal.  I am the ability to find strength in the pain.  I am compassion.  I am empathy.  I am accountability.  I am kindness.  I am survival.  I am honesty.  I am love.

I am my heart.  Which I can choose or not choose to wear upon my sleeve.

I am endurance.  I am endurance in all things. I am comprised of rising from the dirt and brushing myself off and never relying on the actions of others to save me.

I can save myself. 

I don’t need the love of another to complete me.  I don’t need the approval of another to complete or validate me.  I should be beautiful in my own eyes; it shouldn’t take the reflection in another’s to validate that belief.  My failures are not your successes.

I should be whole in my own eyes.

I am the phoenix, time and again.  I’ve risen from the ashes of my life over and over, every time I’ve been knocked or beaten down. 

No matter what, I will continue to rise.  I will not stay down, not ever.  I am more than that, stronger than that, better than that, better than the notion that I need saving.


  1. You are, and always have been, my hero. I'd say heroine, but I have always hated that word. Xoxo

  2. This is amazingly worded. Jen, you have put to words what I have been thinking about for a very long time. Thank you.


  3. I'm going to go ahead and read this every day for the forseeable future. Well written Sophia.

  4. Thank you Blanche. I consider it almost, but not quite, on par with my favorite part from Drop Dead Fred - "I don't need a man to complete my life, I'm perfect the way that I am, and I hate Charles". It's that level of satisfying.

    And to be honest and not sarcastic, I felt worlds better after writing it - and I feel better every time I read it.

  5. Thanks for reposting. Or whatever you did. I'm always amazed at your talent. My writing style is far too formal to express the emotions that leave your fingers. You are everything and more than all of that says, and all of it is true. I don't think I get "inspired" too often, but if anyone inspires me, it's you. I love you to the moon and back. You have been, and always will be, my hero.


  6. I wish I could find words for what I feel reading this right now. I think I've let some anger go just through this, anger I've been holding tight for years. Thank you Jen and God Bless those talented writing hands of yours

  7. Dear "Anonymous",
    Go away.
    Shayne Bochicchio
