Saturday, February 5, 2011

My First Bloggy-Blog

So....first and foremost - welcome to the online page for me!  Here you can catch up on all my rants, raves, and any and all news pertaining to my authoring endeavor. 

Read about the things that are making me happy, pissing me off, or just making me think. 

I'll post updates on my current novel, Second Chances, my upcoming book Letters to My Child and basically anything else pertaining to my new career as an author.  Which if you know me, is as much of a shock to me as it must be to anyone else. 

Thanks for stopping by - and stay classy. 




  1. Yay! Everyone needs more Jen. It's like more cowbell...except way cooler.

  2. I am so proud of you my friend! You are an inspiration to me as I fumble with the writing process thinking that getting published is a pipe dream. I wish you all of the good fortune you deserve. You were so very talented in High School and as they say some things never change!

  3. Thank you both so much. It's an honor to be compared to cowbell, for sure.

    And Hope - keep writing, no matter your doubts, no matter how much you doubt that your dream could come true. I never imagined I'd be published, yet here we are. Keep working toward your goal. Thank you so much for the compliments - they mean the world to me!
